
Iffy Books

Iffy Books is building community around hacking, free culture, gardening, and zines

iffybooks rep setmanalment 1,43 USD de 2 mecenes.
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Iffy Books is a bookshop/workshop space in Lenapehoking (319 N. 11th St. #3E, PHL), open every Wednesday–Sunday. Our goal is to build community around free software, DIY skills, and climate activism by hosting events and distributing zines. We also sell books and electronics kits to cover some costs. But the bills are starting to pile up, and we can use your help to keep the project running.

Thank you!

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iffybooks té 2 mecenes públics.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky
1,00 USD/setmana
0,09 USD/setmana


iffybooks es va unir fa 3 anys.

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