
Xenia Linux

Help support Xenia Linux's Development!

xenialinux rep setmanalment 0,01 £ de 1 mecenes. Objectiu: 5,00 £
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Xenia Linux

Welcome to our Liberapay! Xenia Linux is an immutable OS based on Gentoo Linux.



Current goals

Currently, we are trying to build out our infrastructure with automated builds and some more storage for holding staging builds. We are also looking into different hardware platforms such as RISC-V

So why should I donate?

We hope to use any donations collected here to upgrade our infrastructure, pay for new platforms to port Xenia to and to cover on-going costs (domain, hosting etc).

Thank you for your interest in Xenia Linux!

Comptes enllaçats

xenialinux té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


xenialinux es va unir fa 1 any.

Ingressos setmanals (en lliura esterlina)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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