
Rory Renton

I am a indie developer that works on, amoung other projects.

smellymoo té 0 mecenes.


I am a indie developer that tries to make a difference with my work.

I work on a number of projects:

  • [] which is the largest collaborative drawing in the world where anyone can turn up and draw onto the canvas.

  • sand:box which is a particle sandbox on android.

  • moojelly which is a Super Mario land 2/3 level editor.

  • other yet to be announced projects with machine learning or P2P.

Comptes enllaçats

smellymoo té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


moojelly Estrelles 8 Actualitzat fa 3 anys

SML2 / 3 level edtior

GB_emu Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 3 anys

minimal gameboy CPU emulator written in C++


smellymoo es va unir fa 3 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en lliura esterlina)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals