

Things maker (CNC machines, robots, violins)

L'objectiu de robotustra és rebre 1.000,00 CAD setmanalment.
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I have a long history of creation different mechanical devices and musical instruments. Some of them are more less documented, some of them not. Currently I have a small workshop where I can do my devices and instruments, and I also have a lot of how-to info about the build process, which I could share with people. If I will get support from you I would do better documenting of my project, will publish them and probably you'll get plenty of useful knowledge from my videos.

Comptes enllaçats

robotustra té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


robotustra es va unir fa 4 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar canadenc)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals