

About My Work

L'objectiu de quasar és rebre 5.000,00 ₹ setmanalment.
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I am a Freelance Software Developer specializing in C/C++, C#, Java, Android, Flutter, Qt, Gtkmm, Gtk# mainly. I am looking to monetize my Open Source Projects on GitHub. As an amateur writer I have experienced the problems that Writers usually face first hand and I decided to help Writers in this regard. I have created two projects so far named Plot_Generator and Tarot_Stories.

The first one Plot_Generator is a short app based on the work of William Wallace Cook named Plotto.

The Second one Tarot_Stories is an attempt to adapt Tarot Cards to the work of writing stories owing to the rich imagery in the cards.

Comptes enllaçats

quasar té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


plot_generator Estrelles 8 Actualitzat fa 3 mesos

A short App based on William Wallace Cook's book Plotto. The app can help writers in coming up with a detailed synopsis for a story.

tarot_stories Estrelles 2 Actualitzat fa 3 mesos

An App to help Writers in their initial phases of Writing Stories


quasar es va unir fa 2 anys.

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