

omniatv is a grassroots media platform in Greece

L'objectiu de omniatv és rebre 200,00 € setmanalment.
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omniatv began operating on September 15 2011, and has published thousands of articles as well as hundreds of webcasts, covering in depth a number of issues related to human and civil rights.

At present, omniatv is one of the very few media in Greece covering systematically and in depth the trial of the Greek Nazi party "Golden Dawn", since its beginning in 2015.

omniatv is run by volunteers and has no other backing except for its readers.

In addition to the website, omniatv is also running a PeerTube instance focused mainly on its own archive, plus a Mastodon instance for its users. Hosting space and services are also offered to selected groups and collectives related to political and social issues.

Comptes enllaçats

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omniatv es va unir fa 5 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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