
Niccolò Venerandi

I'm a KDE Developer working on Plasma and Promo, currently leading the Consistency Goal

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I'm a KDE Developer :D I created many features for the Plasma desktop to make theming more powerful. I'm also working on making the creation of themes more accessible to everyone. I help to promote Plasma as a member of the Promotion group, I help organized wallpaper contests and helped write announcement releases. I'm leading the Consistency goal, for a more consistent KDE Experience :) I'm working on showing the world the features I implement as best as possible using blogs and video devlogs.

Comptes enllaçats

niccolove té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


niccolove es va unir fa 3 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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