
Mateusz Baranowski

Mateusz is a 16-year-old developer and UI/UX designer who is currently in middle school.

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Mateusz is a 16-year-old developer and UI/UX designer who is passionate about creating software and designing user interfaces. He is proficient in a range of programming languages, including Kotlin, HTML/CSS, Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript, and loves to experiment with artificial intelligence. At such a young age, Mateusz has already made a major impact with his app, MoveIt, which hit local news and continues to grow in popularity. With his impressive skills and curiosity, there is no doubt that Mateusz will achieve even greater things in the future.

Comptes enllaçats

mateusz té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


gptplus Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

Uses the power of OpenAI gpt-turbo-3.5 to generate queries from you, without hassle and leaving your website.

homepage Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

Simple homepage written. Made to learn more Svelte, and other technologies. Now opensourced :)


mateusz es va unir fa 2 anys.

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