
The Imposter Kings

The Imposter Kings Web

imposterkings rep setmanalment 0,00 USD de 0 mecenes.
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What is The Imposter Kings?

The Imposter Kings is a web-based version of the card game The Imposter Kings. It is currently hosted on The web-based game is free to play and runs solely on the support and donations of its fans.

Supporting the Imposter Kings

The Imposter Kings is a GPLv3-licensed open-source project with ongoing development made possible entirely by fantastic volunteers. If you'd like to support our efforts, please consider donating!

Comptes enllaçats

imposterkings té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


imposterkings es va unir fa 9 mesos.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar dels Estats Units)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals