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Comptes enllaçats

gioxx té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


netflix-leaving Estrelles 3 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

Find out which Netflix titles are expiring in your country :-) (this repo is set to Italy), for example: https://gioxx.github.io/netflix-leaving/2022/0223.html

xfiles Estrelles 23 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

Le liste NoAds filtrano la pubblicità sul web e migliorano la tua navigazione. Scopri di più navigando sul sito web ufficiale.

fxaddons Estrelles 2 Actualitzat fa 3 mesos

Strumenti di ricerca per Firefox (WebExtensions)

o365 Estrelles 7 Actualitzat fa 1 any

Office 365 Powershell Tools

YOURLS-GWallChangeLogo Estrelles 9 Actualitzat fa 1 any

Un plugin per modificare il logo di una installazione self-hosted di YOURLS

spotify-save-new-music-friday (forca) Estrelles 5 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

Save Spotify's "New Music Friday" playlist automatically - Powered by Github Actions, based on the original script by @RegsonDR.

MarvellousSuspender (forca) Estrelles 1055 Actualitzat fa 3 mesos

A chrome extension for suspending all tabs to free up memory, based on the original TGS 7.1.6, without tracking. Find more information about that on https://gioxx.org/tms

ph-whitelist (forca) Estrelles 9 Actualitzat fa 1 any

A simple and powerful tool to add commonly whitelisted domains to your Pi-Hole setup.

AVM-FRITZ-Box-Synology-Surveillance-Home-Mode-Automation (forca) Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

AVM FRITZ!Box Synology Surveillance Home Mode Automation

block-mailtrack (forca) Estrelles 2 Actualitzat fa 3 anys

Block annoying mailtracking from mailtrack.io


gioxx es va unir fa 2 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

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