

FusionDirectory is a modern, efficient and secure Identity Management (IAM) solution.

fusiondirectory rep setmanalment 0,10 € de 1 mecenes. Objectiu: 50,00 €
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FusionDirectory provides a simplified interface for identity management while being extensible.

The scalability of the solution, 50 plugins at the moment, fine grained acl's and its daily management features make it a software that adapts to all types of companies.

Its API allows you to write new plugins to extend its functionality and match your needs.

Its simple handling makes it a useful tool for the secretary to the system administrator.

The use of FusionDirectory is highly appreciated in Higher Education Research through the support of the Supann standard, Partage by RENATER and sinaps by AMUE

Comptes enllaçats

fusiondirectory té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


fusiondirectory Estrelles 152 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

FusionDirectory is a modern, efficient and secure Identity Management (IAM) solution.

fusiondirectory-plugins Estrelles 10 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

FusionDirectory is a modern, efficient and secure Identity Management (IAM) solution.

fusiondirectory-user-manual Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

User Manual for Fusiondirectory

fusiondirectory-dev-manual Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 2 setmanes

FusionDirectory developers manual

schema2ldif Estrelles 16 Actualitzat fa 3 anys

Schema 2 ldif : tool to convert .schema to .ldif files and mange them live into an openldap server


fusiondirectory es va unir fa 7 anys.

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