

Making visual art about critters with technology

ephemeral_future rep setmanalment 0,00 € de 0 mecenes.
Donatius   Targeta de pagament Càrrec domiciliat


I assemble things into art about life in a more-than-human world. I collaborate on all projects, most recently with fungi, epidemiologists, pathogens, sociologists, sheep, ticks, historians and a seamouse.

The work that I make uses contemporary technologies like fibre optic cables, touchscreens, sensors and electronics, alongside traditional media.

I try to introduce audiences to the idea that technology is part of a broader system that involved geology, critters, time and other complex actors. I critique western technology, drawing from posthumanist philosophy, radical feminist theory, and time spent outdoors.

I am based in Ireland, an affluent country in global terms. I do not struggle to survive, and am asking for support for my work, not for my life. I work every day on my art, regardless of whether a project pays. While I accept that money is needed to survive, I live moderately and do not need much. Any contributions will help me to make new artworks.

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