
Markus Göllnitz

FLOSS on Mobile and Open Data everywhere

L'objectiu de camelCaseNick és rebre 25,00 € setmanalment.
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Over the last years, I took interest in running GNOME and other Free and Open Source Software on mobile devices.

For that, I ported the mobile ready task manager Usage to GTK4, improved its performance a lot, and develop it since as its sole maintainer. Recently, it gained support for displaying Android apps that run in the Waydroid container.

Besides that I contribute to Railway, a bus, and train navigation app. Before all that, I put a lot of energy into open data and open knowledge projects, incl. OpenStreetMap, and Wikidata. I want to put that to use in Railway, as well.

more at bewares.it

Comptes enllaçats

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camelCaseNick es va unir fa 4 anys.

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