

Support the maintainance of Bootprint.js

bootprint.js rep setmanalment 0,00 € de 0 mecenes.
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Bootprint is a tool to convert json-schema and OpenAPI specifications to readbable HTML. Development has been frozen lately, which lead to a lot of security alerts when installing the tool.

With your donation, you can show that you care for the project and that it is important to you to have it maintained and developed.

The most popular package of Bootprint.js is bootprint-openapi which is used to convert OpenApi-specifications. This tool can also be tested at


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Comptes enllaçats

bootprint.js té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


bootprint-monorepo Estrelles 41 Actualitzat fa 1 any

One repo for all bootprint and customize packages that are relevant to bootprint


bootprint.js es va unir fa 4 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

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Aquesta pàgina conté text traduït automàticament que encara no s'ha revisat i pot ser inexacte. Podeu contribuir-hi.