

A welcome

L'objectiu de blgiumblgium és rebre 42,00 € setmanalment.
Donatius   Targeta de pagament Càrrec domiciliat PayPal


Hello everyone. I am a music content creator. Many of my works are based on Mashups, that is, the re-making of songs. I also make my own track originals, edits, radio sets, sometimes live-sets, and even remixes.

The goal of this pledging is to fund myself. So this is a A welcome from Max Cardozo. Thank you so much for making the world a better place. I am truly thankful of your pledge. Have an awesome, beautiful, and wonderful day! If my music can make such powerful impact, I'll interview one of my contributors per month.

Save the day!


blgiumblgium es va unir fa 4 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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