
Bob Mottram

Making software for decentralized home servers

bashrc rep setmanalment 0,25 € de 1 mecenes.
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Mainly developing LibreServer and Epicyon.

LibreServer: a home server system based on Debian, to run your own internet services

Epicyon: An ActivityPub social network server, with no Javascript and easy to run on single board computers.

Comptes enllaçats

bashrc té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


epicyon Estrelles 50 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

ActivityPub server, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community.

LibreServer Estrelles 4 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

Your personal server


bashrc es va unir fa 7 anys.

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