

free/libre software activist and computing scientist

bandali rep setmanalment 0,00 USD de 0 mecenes.
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I'm a computing scientist and activist for computer users' freedom as a member of the GNU Project, a volunteer with the Free Software Foundation, a participant in various free software projects and communities, and the founder of GNU Canada.

I have set up this Liberapay account so that kind folks who may appreciate any of the things I'm doing and feel generous could make donations and support free software and free culture things. No donations expected but any and all donations greatly appreciated.

Comptes enllaçats

bandali té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:

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bandali dona públicament a 1 creador.

1,50 €/setmana


bandali es va unir fa 6 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar dels Estats Units)

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Aquesta pàgina conté text traduït automàticament que encara no s'ha revisat i pot ser inexacte. Podeu contribuir-hi.