
Akshat Tiwari

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Comptes enllaçats

akshaaatt té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


Google-IAP Estrelles 250 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

Android Library for easing Google Play Billing to your apps with support for Subscriptions, Non-Consumable and Consumable Purchases with a beautiful sample app.

Sliding-Carousel Estrelles 36 Actualitzat fa 7 mesos

Android Library for easing Slider insertion to your apps with support for Images with a beautiful sample app.

Swarogya Estrelles 8 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

Swarogya interfaces a smartphone application to a web based application that is handled by health professionals of hospitals.

Media-Picker Estrelles 27 Actualitzat fa 3 anys

Android Library for easing Media Selection to your apps with support for Images and Videos with a beautiful sample app.


akshaaatt es va unir fa 3 anys.

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