

The Strafe statistics library for Rust

YarshTechnologies rep setmanalment 0,01 USD de 1 mecenes. Objectiu: 2.000,00 USD
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Hi there and welcome! I'm the creator of Strafe, the statistical crate collection for Rust based on the R programming/statistics language. This is a tool that allows Data Science in Rust by implementing many of the statistical algorithms for data analysis that have become so valuable other libraries like SciPy, but have not been nearly as accessible to Rust. My hope is that, with your support, Strafe can become the go-to statistics package for the Rust ecosystem, and as Rust becomes more widely adopted, the defacto statistics tool.

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strafe Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 1 mes

A statistics library for Rust based on R's C implementation.


YarshTechnologies es va unir fa 2 mesos.

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