

A free-time developer that loves scripts

TrianguloY rep setmanalment 0,00 € de 0 mecenes.
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Even though I'm working as a developer, I still love to create small utilities and scripts on my free time. You may know me from URLChecker or ClickToChat, but I have a couple other published things, all for free.

I don't have any specific goal in mind, but some people in the past have asked for ways to support me, as thanks for my work. So feel free to donate if you want to! But don't feel obligated otherwise.

Comptes enllaçats

TrianguloY té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


UrlChecker Estrelles 874 Actualitzat fa 2 setmanes

Android app by TrianguloY: URLCheck

OpenInWhatsapp_Web Estrelles 23 Actualitzat fa 4 mesos

A web version of the Click to chat app (previously known as Open In WhatsApp)


TrianguloY es va unir fa 4 mesos.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals