

Donation for SiskoUrso and LANoftheDead servers

SiskoUrso rep setmanalment 0,00 USD de 0 mecenes.
Donatius   Targeta de pagament Càrrec domiciliat


Thank you for taking the time to view our donation information.

You may have been linked here either through one of our Fediverse instances such as Mastodon, PeerTube, Lemmy, and PixelTube.

Or you may have been sent here through my videos on PeerTube. Either way know that your donation is greatly appreciated, your donation will allow me to continue to host these Fediverse instances and allow me to host my content on the very same servers.

Your donation will go towards server costs, future upgrades, allow me to host the content I have created and loved. And will give you the warm and fuzzy feelings of helping out the Fediverse community and a old Nerd who likes to tinker.

Thanks again for your time and I am greatly appreciated for anything you decide to donate.

Comptes enllaçats

SiskoUrso té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


SiskoUrso es va unir fa 1 any.

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