

MapleShrine is working on mkxp and other cool projects

MapleShrine rep setmanalment 0,00 € de 0 mecenes.
Donatius   Targeta de pagament Càrrec domiciliat


Hi! Most people know me as Ancurio. I'm the main dev behind mkxp, the FOSS reimplementation of the RPG Maker XP/VXA runtime. I'm trying to disassociate my name from the project to make it feel less like a personal one and more like a collaborative effort. Donating to MapleShrine will be used to fund online hosting and infrastructure for mkxp development.

Links to Matrix and Discord discussion servers can be found here:

Comptes enllaçats

MapleShrine té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


MapleShrine es va unir fa 3 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en euro)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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