

I want to implement the idea.

L'objectiu de Maksim és rebre 10.000,00 USD setmanalment.
Donatius   PayPal


I want to implement the idea. As the years go by and I don't get any younger, and the time of opportunities is fleeting and irreversible. We live in a world where it is difficult for one person to realize his idea, then this can be achieved with the help of other not indifferent people. According to the law of conservation of matter, "If it has gone somewhere, it means it has arrived somewhere," but there can be no emptiness in the universe, it will be replaced by another matter.

If you don't buy a pack of cigarettes, but donate this amount to me, it will keep you and your loved ones healthy, and also help me achieve my goal and help people!!! Spend your money usefully!!!

   To implement my business, which I have been wanting to do for a long time. 

For you, the price of one pack of cigarettes is like smoke in the wind, but for me it is a contribution to achieving the goal.

   Why don't I take a loan? As a result, the credit institution will benefit from any of my activities and I will remain bankrupt in any crisis.


Maksim es va unir fa 1 any.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar dels Estats Units)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals