
Closure for Jesus Ministry

Help us continue to helping others.

L'objectiu de Kalon_Danna_Gesellchen és rebre 200,00 USD setmanalment.
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We are Gospel Medical Missionaries working in the USA. Kalon works part time taking odd jobs to support us financially, while Danna works full time doing health counseling. Both Kalon and Danna are actively giving Bible studies as well. We have a Youtube channel and a Facebook page and are active traveling and speaking as well on the topics of health, natural remedies, country living, the gospel, end time events and Biblical history, wild edibles and medicinals, etc. It takes quite a bit of investment to maintain equipment as well as ourselves in order to keep helping those who cannot afford to pay for our services. To those who have donated, we are extremely grateful for your support!


Kalon_Danna_Gesellchen es va unir fa 4 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar dels Estats Units)

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