
Stephen Sakellarios

Reincarnation Research

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I first learned of reincarnation reading the Bhagavad Gita, not long after graduating high school. I began studying each of the world religions with the assumption that, at the esoteric or mystical level, they were all teaching about the same Reality, and the same ultimate Experience. I also began studying the lives and teachings of certain more recent spiritual masters, including Sri Ramakrishna and his disciples, and became a follower of Meher Baba in 1974.

In 1997, I began work on an independent documentary on reincarnation, entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America." This film, being produced with my own resources as a video producer plus about $1,300 in donations and trade-outs for services, was completed after five years, in 2003. It was broadcast on one PBS affiliate in Denver, Colorado, and accepted for distribution to universities through Films Media Group (which still carries the title, today). In the course of my research for this film, I learned about the strongest reincarnation cases, and the most rigorous methods of proving them.

In 2005, I discovered a proposed past life of my own, as Mathew Franklin Whittier, younger brother of poet John Greenleaf Whittier. I proceeded to apply a combination of all the best research methods I had learned, to my own case.

Mathew was a literary child prodigy with a hidden 50-year career, from 1825 to 1875. He wrote almost entirely under various pseudonyms, and refused to publicly defend his work even when it was plagiarized (partly because he was engaged in dangerous anti-slavery work, having connections to the Underground Railroad, and could not risk public exposure). Some of his best work, being falsely claimed by other authors, made them famous. These include Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Margaret Fuller. There were also a number of lesser-known plagiarists.

Because M.F. Whittier was so secretive, it becomes extremely complicated to prove his authorship of these various works. Over a period of 12 years, I was able to accomplish it--and, in so-doing, was able to prove the reincarnation case, itself. There is actually enough strong evidence to validate the case even without these literary proofs--but with them, it is both extremely strong, and historically significant.

The research has been completed, and a collection of original, antiquarian works by Mathew Franklin Whittier has been established and is being preserved. There are, of course, some works which are too expensive for me to purchase, out of my own resources. But most importantly, I need help getting the word out. Academia is understandably resistant. As for the public, people have seen too many claims which seemed outlandish to them. Ninety-nine percent of these have no real research behind them, and no substantial validation. Mine is quite different. But the public cannot discern between them.

If I had the funds to spread my results widely enough, I could reach that one or two percent of both academia, and the public, who are both open-minded and discerning. It is primarily for this purpose that I am requesting funding.

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IAL Research seeks funding to promote reincarnation research and public education


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