
Andrew Weisbeck

Web Development, Community, and Content Creation

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👋 Hi, I’m @GeauxWeisbeck4 - I own a little web dev agency called Tar Heel Dev Studio in Raleigh, NC. 👀 I’m interested in Full Stack Development, entrepreneurship, and sports. My real name is Andrew and I'm a kind, compassionate, confident, and hard working individual who loves creativity more than anything. I am part Native American and I take pride in that - I am a part of the Natives in Tech non-profit. 🌱 I’m currently a freelance full-stack developer who is lucky enough to say that I don't work with just one framework or language, but pretty much all of them. 💞️ I have a goal to build a robust community and develop web applications that help make life easier for everyone, and create content that entertains and educates. 📫 How to reach me <> or you can message me on GitHub!

Help support my web development projects and I will reward you with content, apparel and more!

Comptes enllaçats

GeauxWeisbeck4 té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


Geaux-RecipeApp Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 2 setmanes

productengagementsprint-section4 Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 3 setmanes

Product engagement sprint blog and website for Section 4

GeauxTigerJS-Dev Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 4 mesos

Blog website for the LSU Tigers on the HuskerJS blog platform Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 4 mesos

componentparty-tutorial Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

tutorial on component party

andrews-oldblog Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

GitHub for my Personal Blog

eBook Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

eBook template

geauxtellstories Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

blog for Section 4 Storytelling Sprint Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 9 mesos

The first version of my blog and future federated sports app platform thingy. Version 1.0

Lead-Dev-Skills Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

All of the skills listed as topics on the slack channel

VIM-Notes Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 2 anys

Oh lovely, my sweet lovely dear VIM - I love you so much.... so so much......

design-thinking-intro Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 2 anys


GeauxWeisbeck4 es va unir fa 2 anys.

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