
Tsukiyo Hoshikage

Please support EuphorianZ AI Collaboration Art Project! "Euphoric Town" by Tsukiyo Hoshikage

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EuphorianZ is a life-time project of Japanese Artist, Tsukiyo Hoshikage. She is currently working on 3 art projects;

  1. AI Collaboration Arts, Illustration Series "Euphoric Town"
  2. Kamiyomoji Kotodama Calligraphy Arts
  3. "EuphorianZ Official Mascot Charactor, Niji-Bow!

About AI Collaboration Arts, Illustration Series "Euphoric Town" In this AI collaboration art project, I, Japanese Artist Tsukiyo Hoshikage, collaborates with AI on illustration styles and ideas. Usually, when we speak of AI art, we mean generated art that is realistic and well-drawn based on “words”& phrases. And many people don’t pay too much attention to the case when AI is generated from images alone, maybe because of considering copyright issues, usually the resulting images have poor quality as an artwork. Therefore, this often produces a rough, child-like image compared to the originals. One day, when I was playing with Open AI, I applied AI generation to my previous works just for fun. And I was actually amazed with the results! Although the images indeed were poor quality, the style often became more playful and even cuter than my original images. That made me want to modify and finish them. That's how we came up with this AI collaboration art project. The 1st stage is the acrylic illustration series "Euphoric Town" that I drew while living in the United States, and the 2nd stage is by using 1st stage images as original, I let AI generate them and I further digitally modify the images and complete it as artwork. On the 3rd Stage, the images completed in the 2nd Stage are further AI-generated as originals. And then, I pick the favorite parts from the resulting images, and combine them with my own digitally-drawn images, make changes on the compositions, and complete it into an artwork. A funny part is, Depending on the mood of the AI, the style and tone could vary considerably even from the same image, and it can generate things in directions that I would never have thought of on my own, so it really feels like we are collaborating. I hope that this will be an example of an ideal relationship with AI, where the AI ​​and humans could exchange skills, & ideas, even talent and influence each other to create something good, rather than communication from one side to the other. Currently, the project is on the 3rd stage, where the city is getting bigger and busier, and eventually, the cities are supposed to get even bigger, more global, and more fantastical toward the final stage. So, I hope you stick around and support my project in a long run.

Thank you!

Please visit her website to see the images of latest project of EuphorianZ, AI Collaboration Arts "Euphoric Town" Visit:

P.S Tsukiyo Hoshikage is also a Reiki Master/Spiritualist. She currently offers Prayer Service for free. She uses Reiki distance healing method and creates Chi-Ball(energy ball) for each prayer. By updating the prayer energies regularly, the people from all over the world can download the energies wherever they are, whenever they like. More about Prayer Service>> Please feel free to receive them by saying "I receive Prayer (Number) offered by Tsukiyo Hoshikage".


EuphorianZ es va unir fa 5 mesos.

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