
Peter Vanusanik

I am developing common lisp plugin for Jetbrains IDE lineup

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Hello, I am developing a plugin for common lisp language for Jetbrains IDE lineup (Intellij, Pycharm, etc.). It is a free and open source plugin which I am developing in my free time. If you want to help me get more time to work on the plugin or if you enjoy the plugin I would appreciate your gratuity!

Comptes enllaçats

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SLT Estrelles 194 Actualitzat fa 1 any

SLT is an IDE Plugin for Itellij/Jetbrains IDE lineup implementing support for Common Lisp via Slime/Swank and supported lisp interpret.


Enerccio es va unir fa 2 anys.

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Aquesta pàgina conté text traduït automàticament que encara no s'ha revisat i pot ser inexacte. Podeu contribuir-hi.