

Do only blogs, but do it well!

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Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software published in 2003 by Olivier Meunier. A one man's project at first, Dotclear soon gathered a team comprising different personalities with various backgrounds.

The project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills.

Dotclear is a free software primarily designed for its users and regularly improved by their contributions. Everyone may use it and modify it according to the software license.


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Comptes enllaçats

Dotclear té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


dotclear Estrelles 37 Actualitzat aquesta setmana

Issues → https://git.dotclear.org/dev/dotclear/issues

clearbricks Estrelles 2 Actualitzat fa 1 any

Clearbricks, issues → https://git.dotclear.org/dev/clearbricks/issues


Dotclear es va unir fa 5 anys.

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