

A CLI for synchronizing the schema and configuration of Directus across various environments.

Directus-Sync rep setmanalment 0,00 CAD de 0 mecenes.
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Directus Sync is a powerful open-source tool designed to streamline schema and collection management across different environments in Directus. By focusing on differential updates, it ensures data integrity and enhances version control with organized, readable backups. If Directus Sync has helped you in your projects, please consider donating to support its ongoing development and maintenance. Every contribution helps us continue improving and expanding this tool for the community!

Comptes enllaçats

Directus-Sync té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


Directus-Sync es va unir fa 2 setmanes.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar canadenc)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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