

Greetings from Banfield, the club of the future!

L'objectiu de Banfield.Tech és rebre 100,00 USD setmanalment.
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We lead a not-for-profit professional sports organization with 10,000 associates and +2,400 athletes to improve people’s lives through innovation and technologies.

Sport lags behind other industries in terms of innovation, and that is the crux of the issue. Banfield.Tech is a community-driven project at CA Banfield (est. 1896) developed by people who, just like you, believe in sharing their work with the world in non-restrictive ways. Since our foundation in 2020, we have created a wide range of digital products such as videogames, apps, and networks that are shaping a new open source oriented doctrine in an old fashioned industry.


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Banfield.Tech es va unir fa 4 anys.

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