

AdoredTV is creating PC and semiconductor industry analysis videos.

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I'm Jim, the owner of the AdoredTV YouTube channel.

In 2015 I started creating in-depth, analytical videos on YouTube, focused around the PC and semiconductor industries.

Clearly there's not a lot of that kind of content on YouTube as the platform heavily encourages daily uploads instead. With Google AdSense, it's all about the views - and a million cat video views are worth the same as a million views of "high brow" content.

But I continue to launch a video every week, knowing that the days of research and a full day of recording and editing is financially just not worth it.

Luckily, many people do appreciate the effort that goes into my videos, and I currently have over 850 patrons on Patreon, without whom I'd have quit doing this a long time ago.

Patreon, however, just can't seem to stop putting their foot in it. In 2017 they cost a lot of creators money with a crazy new policy which charged 40% on $1 donations. Now in 2018 they are cracking down on content that goes against the political view of their big money backers.

I'm just trying to create tech content and would prefer to avoid the "no-win" political situation but they are making it harder than it needs to be.

So I created an account here at LiberaPay for those of you who would rather avoid the politics too.

P.S. I'm a Scotsman, living in Sweden.

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