

Support apps and services at 12a.app

12a.app rep setmanalment 0,29 USD de 2 mecenes.
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Purpose of donations

  • Cover the cost of servers running the apps and service
  • Support the development of web and electron apps from an individual developer
  • Buys me a ice-cream cone

List of running Web / electron apps

List of running services

Estimated Expense

  • USD $80 per year / $7 per month
  • HKD $620 per year / $52 per month

Comptes enllaçats

12a.app té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


TwMj Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 3 setmanes

kiku Estrelles 2 Actualitzat fa 4 mesos

An electron application for playing music from youtube on desktop. The application supports using local api, invidious and piped as source.

hk-transport-backend Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 6 mesos

The Backend for hk-transport. Expose an api for pre-fetched data of tranport.

hk-transport Estrelles 6 Actualitzat fa 7 mesos

An app displaying transport mode in Hong Kong with a respect to your privacy.

GeTsu Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 8 mesos

A simple, yet customizable monthly planner generator.

sushiro-vue Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 8 mesos

Know how long is the queue of a chain sushi shop in Hong Kong at a glance.


12a.app es va unir fa 2 anys.

Ingressos setmanals (en dòlar dels Estats Units)

Nombre de mecenes setmanals

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