

0x61nas té 0 mecenes.

Comptes enllaçats

0x61nas té els següents comptes en altres plataformes:


Ayah-intellij Estrelles 45 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

Get a verse(an ayah) from the Quran during your coding session in JetBrains IDEs. Stay connected with words of God.

pinterest-login Estrelles 4 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

Simple crate to login to Pinterest and get the cookies via Chromiumoxide to simulate a browser (open a real browser actually), to use the Pinterest API without needing a developer account or an API key or anything that costs money :).

cmus-notify Estrelles 9 Actualitzat fa 1 setmana

cmus status notification tool written in Rust, which can be easily configured and used for different purposes. It provides notifications for track changes, status changes, volume, playing mode and more

todo2 Estrelles 11 Actualitzat fa 2 setmanes

todo2(a.k.a. todo or die) - A better todo! macro inspired from searls/todo_or_die

alquran-cloud-api Estrelles 18 Actualitzat fa 3 setmanes

A simple, fast and ergonomic java wrapper for alquran-cloud api

aarty Estrelles 64 Actualitzat fa 1 mes

Print any image in your terminal

lqth Estrelles 4 Actualitzat fa 2 mesos

Simple but blazingly fast screenshot utility

sis-login Estrelles 0 Actualitzat fa 4 mesos

ports-sniffer Estrelles 8 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

A simple port sniffer(scanner) implementation with 🦀

bfy Estrelles 12 Actualitzat fa 5 mesos

Brainfu*k interpreter and REPL written in Rust🦀

eelu-login Estrelles 1 Actualitzat fa 7 mesos

A command-line tool that allows staff and students to log in to the Egyptian E-Learning University Moodle platform quickly and easily through the command-line interface.

JColorfulConsole Estrelles 7 Actualitzat fa 8 mesos

A library that helps you to print colored and styled text in the Java console 🖌🖌🖌️

jpwd Estrelles 5 Actualitzat fa 10 mesos

A modern alternative to GNU/pwd using Java 🥰☕

aur-release-action Estrelles 7 Actualitzat fa 1 any

Release a new version of a package on the AUR and update the PKGBUILD file and the aur submodule


0x61nas es va unir fa 4 mesos.

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