
cuñado de izquierdas

javi, youtube clown, musician, film enthusiast and graphic designer, doing the best I can.

javitrino rep setmanalment 0,00 € de 0 mecenes.
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hi there! my name is javi and I make stuff.

you probably know my youtube channel "cuñado de izquierdas" (a leftist loudmouth, gang, keep up) where I make leftist videos of whatever crosses my mind at the time.

I have also made some music during my time (say, longer than I've been doing videos, that's for sure) and my latest you can find in my bandcamp here .

I've worked as a graphic designer most of my adult life as well, and you can see it everywhere in my work, but I'm always on the lookout for new customers so I can make a living, whether it's from graphic design, custom music, translations and whatnot. I am my own means of production, after all.

If you want to support my work, well, this is the place!

Comptes enllaçats

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javitrino es va unir fa 4 anys.

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