
Albin Corén

Sponsor free and open source networking tools

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I dedicate tons of my time into creating free and open source networking libraries and related software. If you would like to show some monetary support, it's greatly appreciated.

Currently the projects I produce are (all free and open sourced, licenced under MIT):

  • Ruffles (RUDP Library and Network Protocol)
  • MLAPI (High Level Networking Library For Unity)
  • MLAPI.Transports (MLAPI support for many different transports)
  • MLAPI.WebSockets (WebSockets server and client wrapper to support WebSockets natively and in the browser in Unity with one API)
  • MLAPI.Relay (Game networking relay to avoid NAT)
  • MLAPI.Cryptography (Game crypto library)
  • MLAPI.Puncher (NAT hole puncher to get around NAT)
  • MLAPI.ServerList (Scalable ServerList for listing and querying game servers)
  • DevelopmentCertificateGenerator (Public, low trust certificate authority to issue cryptographic certificates for development purposes)
  • UnityPackager (CLI packer and unpacker for the proprietary UnityPackage file format)

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Aquesta pàgina conté text traduït automàticament que encara no s'ha revisat i pot ser inexacte. Podeu contribuir-hi.